What is DHEA?

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is an important hormone that is produced naturally in the body. DHEA serves several key functions:

  • It acts as a precursor to other hormones like testosterone and estrogen. This means it is converted into these hormones when the body needs them.
  • It plays a role in bone health. Some research shows DHEA supplements may improve bone mineral density.
  • It helps support immune system function. DHEA levels decline with age, which may negatively impact immunity. Supplements may boost immunity.
  • It affects mood and well-being. Declining DHEA levels are linked with depression, especially in the elderly. Supplements may improve mood.

What Exactly is DHEA?

  • DHEA is classified as a steroid hormone. Despite this name, it does not act as a steroid in the body like cortisol or testosterone.
  • It's produced primarily by the adrenal glands. The testes and ovaries also produce small amounts.
  • DHEA production peaks around age 20-25, after which it declines steadily. By age 75-80, blood levels are only 10-20% of peak levels.
  • Supplements are made from wild yam or soy. The average dose ranges from 25-200 mg per day, in capsules or tablets.

Potential Health Benefits of DHEA Supplements

As noted above, research on DHEA suggests it may provide the following potential benefits:

  • Increase bone mineral density
  • Boost mood and alleviate depression
  • Enhance immune function
  • Improve body composition by increasing muscle and decreasing fat
  • Support cognitive function and memory
  • Offer anti-aging effects like improved skin hydration and elasticity

However, the research is still considered somewhat preliminary. Larger, longer-term studies are needed to confirm effects.

Additionally, DHEA use may be risky for certain groups like those with hormonal cancers or liver disease, so medical supervision is recommended. Excess DHEA from supplements may cause side effects like acne, hair loss, and altered cholesterol levels.

Overall, DHEA is an intriguing supplement, but more evidence on ideal dosing, long-term safety, and real-world benefits is still needed. Consult with your healthcare provider at Rejuvenate Clinic before using it.

Talk to your doctor about DHEA supplements.

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